FAQ Mr. Nilsson's books for children
How can I see more info about a book before download?
Click the book icon in the application.
I don't want my child to see ads. Is there a version without ads?
Ads will only appear until a book purchase has been made. Thereafter the program is adfree. Also IT Nilsson does NOT show ads that can contain sensitive information.
How can I read the book in another language?
Use the menu in the first screen to select the language. Menus are either accessed using a separate button on your phone or three squares top right on the display.
I am afraid of buying because I frequently switch phone. Do I dare to buy?
Just make sure you have enabled backup. All purchase information will be kept for your next device.
I have multiple devices. Are my purchases valid on all devices?
No, your purchase is only valid for the device where you purchased it (or its successor should you switch phone).
If I buy a book, can I read the whole book in all languages?
No, it is the same as for normal books; Only one language per book. Should you want to read the other language it is possible to buy that too. Note that you can read the other language samples for free.
Why does the application require permission to start at boot?
It is to be able to ask the server if there are any new books available and tell the user. This is done only once per month.