IT Nilsson
Mobile apps
About IT Nilsson
Software Development
IT Nilsson is a software company that develops software for Android™ mobile phones and tablets, i.e. we are an app manufacturer.
Our main focus is apps for art and tools for artists, but we also make applications for health and fitness. IT Nilsson contributes to increased use of mobile phones and realises the necessity of technology, but we take a stand against development of addictive software. Humans before technology is the motto of IT Nilsson.
IT Nilsson was founded in 2011 and has since then been active in test, development, design och graphic illustrations. IT Nilsson's headquarters is in Stockholm - Sweden, but our products can be bought in most countries through sales channels like Google Play™ and Amazon™.
IT Nilsson have a keen interest in environmental issues. During development special attention is taken to reduce environmental impact. The product developement objectives therefore includes to: support older Android versions, have mininal storage requirements and be energy efficient.
To see the our current releases please visit our section at Google Play.
Follow us on @ITNilsson_en!